#81: Overvalued Web 3.0 Startup Multiples & VC Micro-Betting with Lightning Ventures’ Mike Jarmuz

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Mike Jarmuz… or Muzz… is a General Partner at Lightning⚡️Ventures and is focused on investing in Bitcoin companies. His goal is to evangelize and demystify early-stage investing to plebs and whales alike. He is super passionate about educating founders and operators on strategies to fund their projects and believes everyone should invest in technology companies (not just the suits) and that investing in Bitcoin companies is possibly the best thing someone can do to complement their HODL position.

Mike is a lifelong entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in a broad range of industries. Lover of all small businesses! He has personally owned a retail clothing store, flower shop, bar, cafe, and, music venue. He also has related experience in healthcare technology, event management, ticketing, nightlife, venue/theatre operations, talent buying, concert & music production, sound engineering, lighting design, catering, travel, tour management, e-commerce, screen-printing, merchandising, real estate, transportation, grassroots marketing, personal finance, marketing, and business consulting.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-jarmuz-573b5658/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeJarmuz
Website: https://vida.page/mikejarmuz

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