Xendit's Moses Lo

#54: The Payment Giant of Southeast Asia & Organizational Design with Xendit’s Moses Lo

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Moses Lo is the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Xendit, a financial technology company that he alongside others started in 2015. Moses’ leadership has led Xendit to prestigious awards such as the CNBC Upstart 100 and The Best Payments Initiative by The Asian Banker in 2018. With Asia’s Forbes 30 under 30 in his pocket, it is without a doubt that we will be seeing Xendit slowly transform the payments industry under his leadership.

Moses earned his bachelor’s degree from University of New South Wales, Sydney majoring in finance & information systems management. Then, he kick started his career as a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group before obtaining his MBA from the University of California, Berkeley. During his studies, he briefly experience working at Amazon as a retail business development.

Growing up in a family of entrepreneurs, Moses has always had a dream of starting his own business and building an organization that has a massive positive impact. At Xendit, Moses believes that together he could contribute to building Indonesia’s digital infrastructure by

providing the best payment solutions in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/moseslo/

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